Quadra operates since 2003 as a private provider of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) services for management of conflicts and commercial and civil disputes
Quadra administers mediation, arbitration and expertise procedures,
promotes diffusion of ADR principles and realises world-class training
The congress is an opportunity for the entire Italian mediation community to share ideas and experiences, so to enhance practice and align to world-class standards.
The opening lecture is of paramount interest. In 1994 professor Folger and his colleague Baruch Bush shocked the mediation world with their book The Promise of Mediation. Their ideas, further developed in the 2005 second edition have determined a deep review of the Harvard-style facilitative dominant mainstream, based on negotiation and basically aimed to reach interest-matching solutions. The transformative model, instead, assumes conflict to be a crisis of interpersonal relationship, and works on these elementary dynamics.
Both models will be the subject of the Round table, aimed to enlighten how the quality of mediator’s intervention and the techniques he displays, are determined by the model he adheres to.
The afternoon workshops will cover specific areas; they will run in parallel and discussions will be reported to plenary, so to have a comprehensive final view on how transformative mediation may be adopted within the frame of present statutory regulations. Each workshop will be coordinated by an expert of the field, so to create a unique opportunity to discuss relevant major issues, and specific techniques.
Attendance to free opening lecture is subject to timely submission form. Limited seats available.
Attendance to the remaining part of the event (Congress Portfolio, Round Table, one Workshop to be selected among those available, and final session) costs € 200 + VAT (early bird reduction to € 160+VAT in case payment is made before January 31st, 2012). Lunch and refreshments included.
The introductory lecture by prof. Folger and the Round Table will be in English with Italian simultaneous translation. The workshops will be run in Italian; however, to non-Italian speakers will be offered a translation in English.
The venue of the congress is at a walk distance from the Milan central Station. Those who desire to spend a night in one of the neighbour hotels, please contact Quadra for advise on special rates available.
Please download below the official brochure of the event.
If you wish to register ONLY to the first part of the Congress (free of charge), please click below and complete di "REQUEST FURTHER INFO" form
No specific requirements
09:00 Registration
Free attendance
09.30 - Opening - Delegate from Ministry of Justice
10:00 - Joseph FOLGER, Temple Un. Philadelphia USâ¨Transformative Mediation: the Features of a New Approach to Conflict Management
11:30 - Complimentary cocktail
Attendance reserved to paying participants
12:00 - Round Table: Transformative and Problem-solving Models Compared
conducted by Carlo Mosca
with Joseph Folger, Jane Gunn, Lawrence Kershen and David Richbell
13:00 - Lunch
14:30 - Workshops in Parallel - Mediation in Action
16:30 - Reports to the Plenary, by Workshops Coordinators - Final Remarks on Recourse to Transformative Model in Dealing with Mediations under Decree no 28/10
17:30 - Conclusion